
Pinus Montezumae

It is a native pine of Mexico whose main distribution is the center of the country and the eastern and western Sierra Madre from Durango and Tamaulipas to Chiapas. Its common name varies as Chalmaite blanco, Juncia, Ocote, Ocote blanco, Ocote escobetó, Ocote escobetón, Ocote liso, Ocote toma agua, Pino, Pino blanco, Pino chamaite, Pino colorado, Pino de vara gruesa, Pino gordo, Pino lacio, Pino moctezuma, Pino ocochamate or Pino real (CONABIO).

We support the protection, sustainable management and restoration of forest ecosystems.


Apoyar a proteger, gestionar sosteniblemente y restaurar los ecosistemas forestales para beneficiar simultáneamente a las comunidades y a la naturaleza con métodos y tecnología de vanguardia que permitan atender las crisis globales del clima, la biodiversidad y el agua.


To be a key player in the design and development of integrated environmental services projects such as biodiversity protection, carbon sequestration and water replenishment with a focus on ecosystem restoration.

Contact us and join us in our mission to create innovative solutions.

Con cada meta, buscamos crear un impacto duradero y positivo en el medio ambiente

Facilitate analysis of the global climate crisis, biodiversity and water loss, in collaboration with forest communities, to understand local and global impacts.

Define and propose local strategies for channeling global solutions that dynamize the flow of investments for the benefit of community processes for biodiversity conservation and water conservation.

In collaboration with the communities, identify fair and attractive financial vehicles to implement solutions in the territory, linking actors of the voluntary carbon market.

Develop carbon sequestration projects in community forests with high technical quality standards.

Advise communities on the sale and marketing of carbon credits in both the voluntary and regulated carbon market.

With carbon sequestration revenues, develop community initiatives for biodiversity protection, water conservation and replenishment, sustainable agriculture, social development, rural culture, strengthening community governance, to increase the integrity of carbon credits.

Accompany forest owners in the maintenance of the projects and monitor their positive impacts on the environment, biodiversity conservation, water, human and social development of the region. 

Create a space for exchange and interaction between communities, experts, investors and socially responsible companies to promote solutions from and for nature. 


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